Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Extra Credit - SmileBox

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I decided to use SmileBox instead of Animoto, because I think 30 seconds is too short of a time for the movie. I want to work with elementary school kids and this would be a great activity to make about their family. This can help them develop family vocabulary. They can take pictures of everyone and then put the words with them when we print it out, we can also add pictures of the signs so they can see them over and over. We can make a classroom scrapbook with posts like this of different things that we have learned. This allows the students to be creative and use technology and learn.

Here is one of mine of random pictures from this summer, I have some of my dad and my mom and my friends and at the Capital back home!! Things that are important to me. That would also be a great introduction activity for the students to learn about each other and things that they like. This can help as an ice breaker and create new friendships for things they didn't know they had in common. 

This can also be neat to show parents on back to school night as a collection of our work. We can make them for field trips and then type up different stories of what the children saw or experienced. That can help with writing. 

Click to play this Smilebox collage
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This picture collage generated with Smilebox

Here is another one!! that I did on Camp Koinonia 2010! and my cabin group :) The Me Hearties!!! This shows about the different activities that we did and how we dressed up. I really LOVE LOVE LOVE this web 2.0 tool!! I am going to use this myself!! I think that I am going to ask my parents to pay for this for me so that I can print them or save them on a disk and take them to CVS and get them printed out and framed!! I think I am going to use this for Christmas cards this year too :) 

I really like how when you preview them off the blog, you can have music and then you can click on the individual pictures to in large them. 

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