Thursday, October 21, 2010

ABC Scavenger Hunt- Prezi

I haven't ever done a Prezi so I decided this would be a good time to try one!!!

Our assignment was ABC Scavenger Hunt- we were looking around campus for the letters A-L. We first started to look for the actual letter, but then changed our photos to something that started with that letter. Here are what we found...
A- Amphitheater 
B- Bus
C- Car
D- Door 
E- Emergency 
F- Fire Hydrant
G- Gate
H- Hill
I- Intersection
J- Jeans
K- Khaki 
L- Leaves
After we collected them we came back and resized them in photo shop and then saved them onto our flash drives. Then we all made individual projects. Here is what mine looks like!

Since I am a deaf education major and will be working with students learning sign language I added the letters of the ASL alphabet. This way the students can see the letters, the picture and the signs.

I love this idea, I could really see me using this with my classroom! Having them go out and look for things around the school and take pictures of them. To be honest I won't use Prezi anymore because I had a problem getting the embeded link to work...When I would post in on here it would only show what I copy and pasted, not the actual show. I think that if I were going to be doing this with my students I will probably have Google Presentations or Power Point so that we don't have that problem. I do like all the different ways that Prezi can move around the board and its not boring...but it was hard figuring out all the sizing and where to place thing.

I had never used photo shop before today and it was actually really easy to resize the image but it took awhile to do all of the pictures. It would be nice if we could resize one of them and then they all do it.

Overall this was a fun different activity that involved us using many different technology aspects we have been learning this year. :) 

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