Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lesson Plans

This is my first time working with someone else on creating a lesson plan. It has been an interesting experience, I am lucky that I have a partner that I work well with. We are good at bouncing ideas off of each other and making our ideas better.

I haven't worked in google docs much before this class and I like the fact that you can view and edit at the same time. I was used to working in wiki and not wanting to be rude and steal peoples locks but this we were working at the same time and could watch the other changes being made. I liked being able to sit next to her in class and be able to talk and then do the work, not just hover over one computer. We could also work on other parts at the same time.

This is the first time that I have really used websites in my lesson plans, so it was hard to find some that really worked with what we wanted to do. As a deaf education teacher one of the problems that is common is learning English grammar. If the students were only exposed to American Sign Language they do not have grammar like be verbs and past or future tenses. When we are teaching English it can take time for the student to grasp the concept of AM, IS, ARE, WAS and WERE.

We decided to focus on this we found some game sites that used graphics and games to understand the different be verbs. We found a grammar and writing book in the textbook lab and found some pages that we want to use. We are still working on the rest of the details.

So far I think that this activity is giving me great insight on working collaboratively with another future teacher and find resources that I can use in my classroom! I hope that the rest of the activity goes as smoothly as this has! Fingers crossed! 
A screen shot of the Google Docs that we have started for this project! 

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