Saturday, November 27, 2010

TPTE - Overall

I was not sure what to expect with this class, I heard many horror stories. I didn't think that after this semester I was going to be turned on to Mac's because I have always said I would never use them. I haven't  used any of the different technology projects that we have used in here before. It was a great experience to learn different strategies for the classroom even if I didn't enjoy them all. 

I am really glad that we have to take this class, because I felt that I have actually learned. Usually with other classes I come away without anything that I will actually use. I have already taken all of this into the classroom with me at TSD and showed the kids what I have been working with. 

I do not say this much but I think that I have actually grown from this class and will continue to use what I have learned to make my classroom more exciting and involved in technology.

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